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The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

"Slavery is evil. But it can be fun-evil or evil-evil. I vote for having fun."
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The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

Just what it says in the title. This is the part with the sex in it. Also, ovulation.
It finishes Pony Dizzie's first day. Tomorrow is cart training and more public exposure and humiliation. Because everyone loves an ENF story. That may take some time as I have only sketched it out.
Again, please ignore the "-" between paragraphs. It's an artifact of the off-brand word-processor I use. I am not a moron (really).
Part Three
After giving Dizzie's bean a final stroke into three-pointed erectness, Sandy released the cables and lowered her legs to the ground. Standing like this with her legs together, Dizzie felt a lot less exposed, although her simmering arousal was now making her uncomfortable and she began to rub her thighs together shamelessly.
Sandy was pleased with her handiwork. "There you go sweetie, a proper pleasure pony has a nice clean look. None of that nasty pubic hair those free women have. Isn't that much better?"
Dizzie was terribly ashamed to realize that, yes, it did feel much better. Smooth and slick, dripping with arousal juices. She continued to rub her thighs together, spreading the dripping wetness across the smooth skin of her inner thighs. While Sandy was toying with her on the rack, her vagina had been in an enforced up-thrust position. As a result, her arousal juices had pooled inside of her vaginal passage. But now that she was standing up, the accumulated juices began to quickly flow down her inner thighs.
"Yeah, that's definitely a case of the slave-hots right now. If you had done that at your slave grading, you would certainly have scored a lot higher. Now that you know the secret, you should get graded again, why not?" 
Much to her chagrin, Dizzie was actually considering it. When her 18-year-old self had walked into the slave grading center, she had walked in wearing the psychological armor that all she needed to do to get through the process with her dignity intact was to refuse their degrading demands to get naked and debase herself sexually. It was clear to her that a woman's true worth is measured by her value as an intellectual equal. With her stellar high school grades and sky-high test scores, she had been recruited by a number of prestigious universities. But she needed a slave grade in order to qualify for student aid. So she had painstakingly put together a binder containing numbered and tabbed documents, arranged by topic - school transcripts, teacher recommendation letters, standardized test scores, everything that proved that she was an intellectually-gifted high-achiever. Surely this would prove to them that her true value was rooted in her mind and her character, not just her body! She was sure that she just needed to talk to them and they would listen to her.
Instead, they stripped her naked, devoiced her, and paraded her around the entire building, telling everyone what had happened and mocking her relentlessly. "Look, look! She even put together a binder with all her papers in it! These documents prove how valuable she is!" Thank God they didn't find the power point presentation. When she stumbled out of the building with her slave grade in hand, she had no idea how she had received a decent score. Not a great one, but good enough for college admissions.
"Okay! Time for a sponge bath," Sandy told her. This part was fun, too. Dizzie was reminded of her earlier impression of Sandy as a cheerleader at a car wash. But this time the object being washed was Dizzie, not a car. Although she had cleaned her up after shaving Dizzie's vagina, Sandy made a point to repetitively caress her now-naked mons with the sponge. Dizzie was surprised at how sensitive the newly exposed skin was, especially when Sandy washed her bottom by reaching around her and inadvertently rubbing her bikini-clad cleavage on it. Dizzie was sure that this was unintentional.
After declaring Dizzie all clean, Sandy became a whirlwind of activity, quickly fitting Dizzie into her pony girl tack. The knee-length pony boots went on first, with Sandy guiding her feet deep inside the leather booths and cinching them snugly. Dizzie's feet and ankles were now locked in a ballerina pointe with the toes of the boot being horse shoe tipped hooves. When Dizzie put her foot down, she was surprised to discover that they were actually quite comfortable and supportive in spite of the lack of heel.
Once Sandy finished fussing with the boots, she fixed a wide leather belt around Dizzie's waist and hips. It reminded Dizzie of a sort of snug half-corset, tight enough around the lower back to enforce correct posture, but designed to allow deep breathing. On either hip were rings for attaching the poles of a cart.
Next, Sandy gathered a web of leather straps from the wall and began strapping them to Dizzie's torso. Once she was done adjusting them, Dizzie's body was encased in an open weave of leather straps that would help the hip-corset bear the weight of a cart while simultaneously emphasizing her nudity and bare breasts. This morning, when Isabelle had first seen the pony girls out on the track, she had wondered what it would be like to be exposed and on display in public like that. Now she knew. It felt... disturbingly sexy. This morning she had been horrified at the sexual objectification of the oppressed ponies but now it that she was one, it felt right to her, as though she had discovered something important about herself.
Sandy went back to her boxes of gear and came back with a small jewelry box. "Now," she said, opening the box, "I noticed that you haven't had your nipples pierced yet." Dizzie snorted, like that would ever happen. Unfazed, Sandy continued. "Well, perhaps your owner will change her mind and you'll have some nice nipple rings we can hang things on when you come back for more training. In the meantime..." she leaned forward and began sucking on Dizzie's left nipple.
Dizzie was surprised by this move, but barely flinched at the pleasurable sensations coming from her breast. She had always liked it when her boyfriends had done that and, although she had never had a woman wrap her soft lips around one of her nipples, she found she quite liked it. "Am I becoming bisexual?" she wondered.
Once the nipple had become erect enough for her satisfaction, Sandy placed the loop of a small golden bell around the base and cinched it. It wasn't painfully tight, but it stung a little as Sandy made sure it was tight enough around the base to keep it there. Dizzie was to discover the following day that the snug loops would keep her nipples engorged, sensitive and erect for hours... all the while jingling merrily and attracting attention to her exposed breasts as they bounced and and sparkled in the sunlight.
"Ta-da, almost done."
Sandy attached a lead to Dizzie's collar and took her down off the equipping frame. She then showed Dizzie how to walk in the boots by leading her back and forth a few times. "Good, good, you're picking this up quickly," she said, praising her, "you're a natural pony, I love that." Dizzie was... not certain Sandy was wrong. This felt good, it felt right, it felt sexy. She had no idea it was going to feel this way. Heck, she hadn't even realized that she was going to be ponified!
She's was fully geared up now and ready for sale... I mean breeding.
Harriett and Monica entered the room and inspected Sandy's work. This inspection included Monica digitally examining Dizzie from rectum to clit. Her slippery thighs were noted and her bouquet was sniffed.
"Remember that one pony, the gross one? We had to wash her three times before she smelled this sweet. She almost won the bet today, I'm sure Hammer will be pleased when he sees this girl." Dizzie was proud that she saved her stallion from having to service that disgusting big-haired Karen in the pink tracksuit.
Harriett complimented Dizzie on her fitness and mentioned to Monica that it might be nice to have her as an occasional weekend pony. Monica informed her that she had offered Dr. Cohen a two-day weekend as part of the package.
"Well done, Monica, we could always use another doctor on the inside, especially an orthopedic specialist. Maybe we can get her to come in and look at some of our ponies in exchange for additional services on our part?"
"I'll mention it to her when I see her tomorrow afternoon." Being two persons in one body was becoming quite surreal for Dizzie. She was actually starting to think of the free person "Dr. Isabelle Cohen" as someone else, her owner no less. The terms "slave mind", "sub space", and "pony thought" started bubbling up in her head. Was this happening to her? Was she internalizing her slavery and developing a slave mentality? Could it happen so quickly?
"Monica, please put Dizzie's armbinder on her when you're done inspecting Sandy's work. I wanted to have a little chat with her while you're doing that."
Harriett led Sandy away into a corner, gently guiding her with one hand clasped possessively on one perky spandex-covered ass cheek. "Nicely done, dear, I just wanted it to be clear to you that I'm pleased with your work. She seems calm, aroused and ready, just what we're looking for."
Harriett was now making slow gentle caresses with her fingers on Sandy's bottom. Sandy squirmed a bit under her attention and replied, "Thank you, Ma'am, I just want to make sure she enjoys herself."
"Good girl. I also noticed that your rump and flanks look really good, it seems you're benefitting from those pony yoga classes you've been attending, it makes a big difference."
Harriett's pleasure ponies normally had a one-hour slave yoga class each morning. Because there were so many pony sluts to be accommodated, they took the class in two shifts while the other shift ate breakfast and prepared for their day. Slave yoga wasn't overly physically taxing, since it was mostly positions, stretching, and mantras. The ponies got plenty of exercise carting paying guests around the ranch. But Sandy's day started a bit later than theirs, since the FINO ponies usually arrived mid-morning or later. She had plenty of time to attend both yoga sessions and, at Mistress Harriett's suggestion, she had been doing so all summer long. It showed in her increased flexibility and in the muscularity of her lower body because the pony version of slave yoga involved a lot of squatting and bending moves to increase the strength and visual appeal of the butt and thigh muscles. When Sandy had first started working at the HH, she had had a bit of a muffin top. That was gone now, replaced with smooth sleek muscle.
"Also," Harriett continued while casually stroking Sandy's bottom and turning toward her, whispering in her ear, "Thank you for signing the right-of-first-refusal contract. It's a dangerous world out there for pretty young girls and I sleep better knowing that if anything should happen to you, I can have an agent on hand to buy you. I want to keep you safe, I want to keep you close. You are valuable to me and I don't want you going anywhere."
The two were now in an almost intimate embrace, with Mistress Harriett pulling the young girl close, her manicured hand gently holding the almost-nude bikini-clad teenager up to her own fully- and elegantly-dressed form. Sandy didn't draw away, but she did take in a sharp breath, almost a gasp, inhaling Mistress Harriett's expensive perfume. She felt a tiny shiver run through her body at being so close to this powerful authority figure, a woman who held life and death control over scores of human beings... and she knew now that Mistress Harriett had every intention of making her one of them.
Instead of frightening her though, it made Sandy feel relieved. "Thank you, Ma'am. I, I held back at first because the thought of being enslaved frightens me, and... I just didn't want to admit that it could happen to me." 
Harriett stepped back a bit, allowing her right hand to trail across the thin material of Sandy's boy shorts. The sensation of her ruby-red nails made Sandy shiver as she felt the nail tips stroking her skin through the cloth... but she didn't draw away.
Resting her hand on Sandy's hip, Harriette slipped her thumb into the waistband of the boy shorts and slid it back and forth. "You know, Sandy, I really like the look of these shorts on you. I want you to buy more sets just like them. Get the same brand and focus on the lighter colors. Send me the bill. I want to see you wearing them from now on whenever you're working on one of my ponies. Can you do that for me?"
Sandy broke her gaze and looked down, "Yes, Mistress... Ma'am."
Harriett continued caressing Sandy's taut flank and pulled her in closer in order to whisper in the girl's ear. Sandy could feel Harriett's breath on her neck and subconsciously tilted her head to one side, exposing delicate and sensitive skin on the side of her throat. "You can call me 'Mistress' when we're alone together, Sandy, nobody needs to know. And if you're concerned about someone bringing bogus "Self Enslavement Syndrome" charges against you, don't be. Because I hold your right of first refusal contract now. If you were to become a slave, you would become MY slave and no one else's. And I am not one to share what I consider to be mine. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Good girl." Mistress Harriett smiled wickedly, then reached forward with her other hand and softly pinched Sandy's swollen labia, which were bulging outward through the front of her soaked bikini bottoms. Sandy flinched, but didn't pull away. Instead, she stood trembling with eyes downcast as Mistress Harriett gently kneaded her mound through the thin material, sliding the engorged and slippery labia against one another.
"This isn't water from the sponge bath, is it?" She whispered in the girl's ear. It was a very intimate pose, with the almost naked teen held closely by the the tall well-dressed business-woman, one hand controlling her by her slender waist and the other kneading her engorged and weeping labia through the thin material of her skimpy shorts. The embarrassingly-dark wet spot on the front of Sandy's boy shorts had grown during the brief conversation, she was sure of it, and she knew that Mistress Harriett could feel the dampness of her arousal juices seeping through the powder blue cloth. Sandy realized that that was why Mistress wanted her to wear lighter colors, so she could see the evidence of Sandy's arousal. When she had first come to the ranch, she had thought that shaving the intimate parts of free women would be an occasional distasteful part of the job. But the more she did it, the more she enjoyed it. This shamed her because good, church-going girls from rural Texas didn't get sexually aroused from touching other girls' private parts. She couldn't open her mouth to answer Mistress' question, though, how could she even admit that to anyone? Especially to an authority figure like Mistress Harriett! She tried to speak, but nothing came out.
"It's all you, isn't it?" Harriette asked her. Sandy nodded, too ashamed to speak. "Good, glad to see one of my people enjoying their work. My eyes are on you, Sandy, keep up the good work. Also, I think you need a reward, so I want you to have Dizzie pleasure you with her mouth before you bed her down tonight. Is that clear? That's an order and I expect to be obeyed in all things." 
Sandy nodded, "Yes, Mistress," she replied quietly, eyes still downcast.
As Harriett and Sandy were having their little chat, Monica finished inspecting every brazenly-displayed inch of Dizzie closely and then had her kneel so she could replace the armbinder. When they returned, Monica was thoughtfully bouncing one of Dizzie's breasts in one hand while holding the pony in place with two fingers of her other hand deep inside her vagina. Dizzie was mortified by this treatment, but didn't protest. She was so close to orgasming right there in front of these women that could barely think of anything else. 
"Too bad we're not piercing these today," Monica said to Harriett, "Maybe Dr. Cohen will have them pierced by the next time we see Dizzie."
"I mentioned it do her, Boss," Sandy informed her deferentially. Her body was still abuzz from the conversation... and fondling... that she had just had with Mistress Harriette. In some ways, she felt like her life was spiraling out of control. In other ways, it felt right, like it was spiraling into the control of someone who could be trusted to care for her and protect her. One of the reasons that she had left Adkins, TX was because she had felt something similar, but very, very different. She had felt that control over her life had been slipping into the hands of someone cruel and predatory. Mistress Harriette might be an alpha predator in the slaving world, but she cherished and protected those that considered her own. Sandy had seen - or heard of - numerous examples of how Mistress Harriette had deliberately and forcibly enslaved people she really and truly liked... and had ensured that the new slave had gained a better life out of it.
If Mistress Harriette was seeking to enslave Dr. Cohen - who was now the pony Pretty Dizzie at the moment - then it was surely for the best. On the other hand, if she was seeking to enslave Sandy - an electric chill ran through her body at the thought - then it was... maybe in Sandy's best interest? She wasn't sure what to think. She had arrived at the HH Ranch frightened and alone, clutching a brochure that she had picked up at a pony exhibition in Austin. It had offered jobs to free women who wanted to learn the pony business and she really had no place else to flee to. So Sandy had come here and now she truly felt like she had found a home.
Harriette helped Monica assist the still-dazed pony to her feet. "Nipple piercings might be a good idea, did you offer her a bonus package?"
"Yes ma'am. In addition to having us board Dizzie for 24 hours for tonight and tomorrow, I also offered her an additional 48 hours of free dressage training for Dizzie. I'm hoping that Isabelle will take us up on that."
Just then, Than led Hammer into the room on a leash and all unnecessary thoughts flew out of Dizzie's head. There he was! He was magnificent! And he was smiling at her! At her! He liked what he saw and she quickly posed for him in her pony leathers, spontaneously thrusting out her belled breasts and cocking her hip. What had seemed cruel and degrading to her that morning - women dressed in nothing but leather straps with their breasts and labia on shameful display - suddenly felt like the raiment of a princess. She was a pony too! She was a member of the herd, one of them, not an outsider looking in, but one of the herd - HIS herd. He wanted her and she could see that his previously flaccid penis was now fully erect and engorged. He was powerful, he was fast, and he was fresh from the fight, just like a hero needed to be. Like the hero that SHE needed him to be. Beside him was a diminutive Asian girl less than half his size. She was entirely slave-naked, clad only in a web belt with pouches and a collar. Her nudity and small size next to the hulking stallion seemed to bother her not at all as she stood there holding Hammer's leash in one hand while idly stroking his erection with the other.
The two grooms greeted each other cheerfully but Dizzie heard nothing, she was too caught up in the moment. All the stress from the betting auction during the races melted away. All of the moral qualms about exploiting enslaved human beings melted away. All of her fears about her own sexuality and actions melted away. He was here, he was hers, and he was going to make her HIS!
Deep inside her lower lower-left abdomen, there was a small twinge of pain. Not a cramp actually, just a tiny hint of pain, as though a very small bubble had just popped. One of her eggs, having been bathed in wildly-gushing estrogen all day long, burst out of her left ovary. Caught up in the moment, Dizzie never realized that she had ovulated at the mere sight of a man. If she had noticed it, Dr. Isabelle Cohen the highly-educated professional career woman would have been mortified, but Dizzie the the filly would have been delighted.
He was going to sweep her up and... no, he wasn't. That's not how a pony is bred by her stallion. He was smiling and chuckling and she looked into his warm brown eyes once more, then she smiled back, turned, flicked her tailed bottom at him coquettishly, and pranced over to the mating bench. She laid herself down on it, glancing over her shoulder before she did so, inviting him with her eyes. Although Sandy was theoretically controlling her with her leash, this was all Dizzie. She wanted this, she needed this, and now it was going to be all hers.
"Dang, Sandy, look at her prance, did you teach her that?"
Sandy laughed, "No, honey, that's ALL her."
Sally quickly moved to secure Dizzie's collar to the breeding frame by the leash, pinning the filly in place. She smiled up at Dizzie's panting face as she did so. Then she stood and went around to the other side and quickly spread the pony's legs and secured her ankles. Dizzie was now bound to the bench by three points. Her arms were bound tightly across her back in the leather binder. She was utterly trapped and her shaven and glistening opening was completely at the mercy of people she had only just met. Sandy raised the pad under her hips, lifting her bottom to just the right angle for penetration. Her freshly-shaved pussy was helplessly exposed to anyone who might walk in the door. Ordinarily, being in this situation would have shocked and frightened Dr. Isabelle Cohen, but Pretty Dizzie the pony girl was caught up in a haze of lust and submission and she loved it. He was here! Her stallion was here and they were preparing her to receive his massive stallion cock. She no longer cared who else might walk in that door and see her in that compromised position, all she cared about in that moment was that she was ready for her stallion.
She was breathing fast, panting really, as her groom returned to sit on a small stool in front of her. Sandy sat down and took Dizzie's face between her hands and looked deep into her eyes. "This is it, sweetness, Hammer is here and he wants you. This is what you've been waiting for, this is the reason why we did all this for you. We did it to make you the prettiest pony in the stable and from the looks of it, your champion really appreciates all the hard work you've done to bring him his reward. That's one of the best reactions I've seen from him. He battled 30 other stallions today and defeated them all, just for this, just so he could be with you. He saw you in the herd of other fillies, he decided that he wanted you and only you, he charged in, cut you out of the herd, and stampeded any other stallion that got in his way. He's your stallion, he's your hero, he's fresh from the fight."
It was a completely distorted and utterly fantastic description of the day's events, but it was also insanely romantic and Dizzie the pony girl was a giddy romance-befuddled pony at heart. She believed every word of it and wiggled her bottom in delight as she felt another set of gentle feminine fingers exploring her exposed and dripping vagina. Then they withdrew and were replaced with a massive object that began to gently press itself between her labial folds, spreading them in a way that they had never experienced. Although Isabelle Cohen was far from a virgin, this was a first breeding for Dizzie and there was nothing for her to compare it to. She felt like a virgin filly being taken by a stallion for the first time.
The stallion's massive cock pressed slowly and relentlessly forward, parting her engorged outer labia, her overly-sensitive inner labia, and pressed up against the dripping opening of her vagina. It was huge! What if it was too big? What if she couldn't satisfy him! She began to wiggle and a pair of large hands reached forward and grasped either side of her hips, effortlessly stopping her from struggling. These were not the hands of a student or office worker. These were the hands of a man who used them to pull 140 pounds cart and rider - all day every day. The grip strength was incredible, it felt like a pair of steel clamps had come down and locked her in place. The experience immediately caused her to submit to his will. The hardened calluses of his palms and fingers felt like smooth, warm leather against the soft and delicate skin of her hips. And although he was holding her in place gently, she could feel the deep reserves of physical strength behind that grip.
Responding to her alarm, Sandy whispered in her ear, "It's okay, precious, it's okay. Hammer is a good guy, he takes care of his fillies. He knows how large he is and how tight you are, he won't hurt you, just relax and let him take control. Let him take control of you and show you how important you are, let him conquer you and fill you with his fertile seed. You are the beautiful one, you are the one he has chosen, you are the one he wants, let him take what is his and just trust him to not hurt you. Can you do that for me, sweetie?" Breathing fast and shallow, Dizzie did her best to calm down and then nodded her head. Sandy pulled her mouth away from Dizzie's ear and nodded to the two people behind Dizzie who were also involved in this strange 4-person sex act.
The pressure on her opening eased and Dizzie felt the thick, blunt head of the Hammer's massive cock slowly move up and down the valley of her vagina, gathering the wetness that resided there. Since the steely grip on her hips never ceased, Dizzie assumed that the groom, the small Asian girl, must be manipulating the stallion's cock, readying it (and Dizzie!) for penetration. Then the cock came back to the center and once again Dizzie felt the pressure, only this time it did not relent and she whimpered as her frightened-but-excited vaginal muscles finally relaxed and allowed him entrance. Slowly, oh so slowly, the massive tool pressed forward, stretching the walls of her vagina. Never had she been so filled before. She had never even experimented with large sex toys and all of her past lovers had been... average.
He stopped.
Dizzie was squirming again with the stallion's tool lodged itself in her opening. He paused again, then withdrew, eliciting yet another whimper from the helpless girl before him. He did this again and again, pressing forward slowly for about 2 inches, then withdrawing half the distance. Dizzie felt the muscles of her vaginal channel slowly and relentlessly stretch to match his size. It felt to her as though he was forcefully extending her vagina deeper and deeper into her gut, reaching for her diaphragm. As a medical doctor, Isabelle Cohen knew that was a physical impossibility, but pony slut Dizzie was certain that was her fate. Finally, after several minutes of agonizing pleasure, he bottomed out - or rather, she did.
Dizzie emitted a sharp whimper of pain. "Bottomed out," she heard a surprisingly sweet female voice from behind her while Sandy kept a concerned eye on her pony's face. "Nine inches, a little above average. With more practice, she might be able to take more, but I'll put the cushion on to hold it at that." Dizzie felt some sort of barrier slip over the base of Hammer's cock while it was still embedded in her as far as it could go. Faced with this situation, Isabelle Cohen would have pulled herself off the massive intruder and tried to talk about feelings and such, but pony girl Dizzie had no such verbal ability and zero interest in talking about anything anyway. She was failing to please her stallion! That was unacceptable to her! She immediately began arching her back and whimpering, trying to force Hammer to push the rest of the way in. She could take it! She WOULD take it, she would take her stallion's mighty cock to the hilt, she would..."
"Shh, honey, shh, you've done well for a filly. If you were a mare, it might be different, but you've done well for a filly. Shh, you're a good girl taking care of your stallion, you're a good girl, you don't need to take it all." Sandy crooned in her ear, calming her. She needed to listen to Sandy more, her lust-addled brain told her, she needed to look to Sandy for guidance. Sandy always knew what was right. Sandy had been caring for her all evening. Feelings of warmth and happiness filled her as she listened to Sandy's calming advice.
Finally calm again, Dizzie waited for the next act. There was nothing else she could do. She was a slave girl bound to a breeding bench and deeply skewered with the largest cock that had ever come anywhere near her, even on the Internet. She had no ability to resist. But even if she HAD been a free woman... completely unrestrained... it didn't matter, she was fully pinned in place by cock. It was thrilling. Resistance was futile.
That cock then proceeded to withdraw... slowly. Two inches back, an inch forward, two inches back, an inch forward. Dizzie whimpered in protest at each lost inch of stallion cock. This took a while, because there was a LOT of cock involved. Then the process reversed itself, but faster this time. Unnoticed by Dizzie, the fingers gently caressing her vaginal opening stretched around the stallion's cock withdrew... and then returned with a tiny buzzing, vibrating some-THING on her... Dizzie screamed. All day long, the arousal from the acres of perfect man-flesh on parade... all day long, the sight of her own personally-chosen champion stallion galloping to victory... all day long, the building arousal of the competitive bet-bidding... all day long, the gradual victory over her rival... the tension and trepidation of going down to the stables to talk to Boss Monica... the stripping, the humiliation, the shaving, the touching, the fucking... Dizzie's body and mind simply exploded and she screamed.
Panting heavily, dripping with sweat, she slowly came back to herself. That had never happened to her before and it had certainly never happened to Dr. Isabelle Cohen, who had far more sexual experience than poor little Dizzie the slave slut did. Isabelle Cohen had had many orgasms... but she had never in her life had THAT orgasm. Sandy was smiling at her, cupping Dizzie's face in her hands. "It's okay, honey, let it out, let it go, be free," she cooed. Dizzie smiled back at her. That had been one of the most amazing... no, that had been THE most amazing sexual experience of her life. She was ecstatic and it showed... then the cock moved again. Dizzie let out a long moan as the amazing tool of her destruction began slowly pumping in and out of her again, taking long strokes as it built her lust and desire up for a second time.
She stared at Sandy's smiling face in shock. She, she, she NEVER acted this way, it was too much! She wasn't one of those destined-for-the-collar slave sluts painting the pole at the grading center! She wasn't one of... those... those... the powerful cock embedded in her pussy continued it's slow and relentless subjugation of the impassioned pony slut as it slowly pounded those arrogant and superior thoughts out of her brain. The demonic little buzzing tool made a second appearance, sliding it's way around her tightly-stretched vaginal opening and it drove her to a second, inevitable, screaming orgasm as her stallion pumped a massive load of cum into her helpless, wailing, wiggling form.
As she lay there panting and recovering from her second explosive orgasm, the girl holding Dizzie's face in her hands smiled ruefully at her. "That was a good one, but we're not nearly done yet. Hammer has a second big load saved up for you. You deserve it, your ovaries deserve it, Hammer wants it, and... Mistress Harriett has authorized it. You're going to get it. And then, if you're very good, she has authorized a blowjob. That's rare treat you know, you should be proud. He really likes you, I've never seen him go three times with the same pony before. Three times with three different girls, yeah, but never three times with the same pony. If you're strong enough, you'll be the first to last three rounds with him. Are you up for it, are you strong enough? Are you brave enough?"
Dizzie nodded eagerly and Sandy tilted her head and gave a swift, firm nod to the slaves behind her. The pounding continued, destroying Isabelle Cohen's previous sexually-repressed persona for all time as the mighty Golden Hammer drove her relentlessly toward a third orgasm. This time was slightly different, though. She could feel him taking his time and gauging his strokes to both maximize her pleasure and equalize the gradual building of their mutual orgasms. When it hit, it wasn't the soul-shattering earthquakes of the previous two, it was the mutual satisfaction of two lovers, with his long torso draped over hers, his sweat dripping down on her, and her sweat-slicked body sliding under his. This time she felt every pulse of his cock as he filled her with his fertile seed. This time, it was simply her accepting his dominance and passion. She could even feel the combined juices of her own lust and his first orgasm running slowly down her inner thighs, his hot breath on her ear... and the baby-batter pumping into her waiting, fertile womb.
He lay there for a few moments breathing heavily, then stood, cool air washing across her heated back where his body had been. He then backed away and withdrew his finally-softening hammer of power from Dizzie's gaping, dripping, and well-fucked vagina. She whimpered in protest at the loss. "It's okay, sweetie, that's all done, you still have a blowjob planned. Can you do that, are you strong enough? Or is it too much? Do you want me to get you ready for bed?"
Dizzie shook her head vigorously. "All right, honey pot, let's get you up and ready then."
Sandy stood quickly and, with the crotch of her powder-blue boy shorts inches from her face, Dizzie could see that the girl was fully aroused. The puffy outer labia of her vagina strained the thin fabric of her swimsuit bottoms in an attempt to burst through and a huge triangular damp spot stained the front where the snug material plunged beneath forming a perfect camel-toe. Despite the scent of her own arousal juices permeating the room, Dizzie could even smell the spicy and enticing musk of the young teen's arousal inches from her nose. "I guess I'm not the only one enjoying this," she thought, bemused.
She felt the hip-pad of the breeding bench lower and the cool air again struck her overheated body, this time on the front of her hips where she had been pressed against the leather pad of the withdrawing hip cushion. Similarly, Dizzie could still feel the ghost of Hammer's presence along her back and upper thighs where he had pressed his muscular body against hers. It was disconcerting. She felt like she was supposed to be held down by the weight of her stallion, not set free like this! She mewled in protest and Sandy placed a calming hand on her still-upraised rump. "Shh, it's okay, sweetie pie, we're almost ready." Then Dizzie felt her tail plug being removed and she thought, "Oh, am I not a pony any more, can we kiss now?" But then it was replaced by a new, slightly larger plug and another, thicker plug was slipped into her vaginal opening. sealing Hammer's seed inside her.
“Almost ready, sweet pea, just hold still for a minute." Sandy's soothing and calming voice, the voice that had guided her all evening came again from behind her and Dizzie felt straps being threaded through the crack of her rump and then secured around her waist, locking the plugs into her openings. "There we go, all set, let's get you up.”
Once she steadied the dazed pony on her feet, Sandy quickly knelt to re-fasten Dizzie's hobble. This put her face mere inches away from the pony's thoroughly-plundered vagina. Although the recently added chastity belt concealed her pussy from view, it couldn't hide the long streams of sticky cum running down Dizzie's inner thighs. Sandy smiled to herself as she inhaled the aroma of Dizzie's breeding. "I love this job," she thought. Then she stood and told Dizzie to look at the ceiling, open her mouth and say "Ahh." When she complied, she felt Sandy spritz something cool into her mouth. "Swallow," coaxed Sandy, "good girl, that will keep you from gagging."
Hank was standing a few feet away now, his not-quite-softened cock dangling and dripping. He had a big welcoming smile on his face when Dizzie was turned around and led over to kneel on a padded rubber mat at his feet. Dizzie maintained eye contact with him as she was guided into a kneeling position before him.
Than was standing next to him with her arm around his waist and his semi hard cock in her hand. "Dizzie, you've been a really good girl today and you deserve a reward. So we're going to let you worship Hammer's cock. This is only rarely allowed as a special treat for especially good girls, do you understand?"
Dizzie nodded vigorously and opened her mouth. Than adopted an admonishing tone, as though she were speaking to someone who had been very naughty. "Not yet, sweetie. First you need to help me clean up this mess. You sprayed your juices everywhere, didn't you, you naughty little pony?"
Since her gaze had been captured by Hammer's kind brown eyes as soon as she turned around, Dizzie had completely overlooked the mess she made. Hammer's entire pubic area was coated in gleaming cum and long streaks of it coated the fronts of his thighs and ran down his legs. Had she really done that, had she actually squirted? Deep inside her mind, the free woman Isabelle Cohen was mortally embarrassed, but in the front of her mind, pony slut Dizzie was immensely proud of her slippery achievement. She had absolutely PAINTED him with her cum. It was everywhere and every other filly would see it and know that Dizzie had shown him the best time a stallion could have.
Smiling happily, she immediately began to clean his muscular thighs with long upward licks while gazing at his face. His legs were completely smooth and devoid of body hair. Earlier in the day, before she became a pony, she had noticed that stallions were often groomed differently. Some were kept as hairy as possible in order to emphasize their animal nature. Dizzie was quite certain that there were women who liked that sort of thing. But she liked it this way, with the smooth skin of his thighs showing off the striations of muscle. She used those striations to guide her tongue as she carefully began to worship the young man towering over her like a god. 
As she got closer to the tops of his thighs, she was getting closer to his still-dripping cock. Sandy guided her head now, to lick and suck Hammer's balls and around the base of his penis, all the while murmuring encouragement. This activity forced her head up against the base of the massive schlong and Than draped it over Dizzie's eagerly smiling face, smearing her cheeks with her own juices. 
“Good girl," crooned Than, "You're being a very good girl right now. Isn't this where slutty ponies need to be? Don't you belong here, sweet girl, on your knees like this?"
Once again, Dizzie nodded, smiling and eager. She was totally caught up in the scene that was playing out and any reservations she might have had about this had faded away long ago.
"All right then, my good girl, it's time to worship Hammer's cock. Before, during the breeding, he showed you how much he liked you. He worked hard to give you pleasure. Now you have a chance to do the same for him. I want you to start with long licks from the base of his cock until you've cleaned all of it. Now be a good pony and get to work.”
Dizzie immediately began licking the shaft lying across her face. Than helped reposition it a little bit, but for the most part, she made Dizzie chase it with her tongue as it slowly stiffened again, throbbing with the stallion's heartbeat. "Oh, good girl, such a good girl! You've made him hard again. This really is going to be a real three-timer, isn't it? I'm so excited, we've never done this before with a single pony. You must be so proud! What a sexy, sexy, slutty little pony you are," Than gushed with a delighted smile on her face. "Now it's time for mouth pops. Open your mouth like a big "O", no teeth, just lips. Perfect, just like that. Now I'm going to put the head of his cock in your mouth and you're going to suck it in. Perfect, keep looking up at him. Make sure you swirl your tongue around the head, don't forget the hole in the tip. See? He likes it! You're doing that. You're the one making him smile, such a lucky filly! Now... POP!" At that she suddenly pulled the cockhead out of Dizzie's suctioning lips and there was indeed a popping sound. "Oh so good, let's do that again." And they did do it again and again until Hammer's mighty rod was again rock hard and curving upward. 
At this angle, the mouth-popping game had to come to an end because Dizzie could no longer gaze upward and keep the cock head in her mouth. It wasn't time for mouth-popping any more anyway. "Okay, Hammer, time to fuck this slutty pony's mouth," said Than. Hammer reached around with one of his hands, grasped Dizzie by her high ponytail and began to slowly thrust into her stretched open mouth. With her gag reflex temporarily suppressed, he was able to use the entire depth of her mouth, bumping the head of his cock repeatedly against the back of her throat and making her whimper and gasp in time with his strokes. This act of total masculine domination had never happened to Isabelle Cohen, she would never have debased herself by kneeling at a man's feet while he controlled her mouth for his selfish pleasure. But pony girl Dizzie had no choice in the matter and with lack of freedom comes lack of responsibility. Dizzie had no need to stand up for a woman's right to be an equal in the boardroom and the bedroom, she was free to enjoy her own subjugation and she did. She enjoyed it even more when Sandy began to pinch and stroke her nipples, pulling softly on the bell-ties that hung there faintly jingling with each movement of her body.
As Hammer's rhythm slowly sped up, Dizzie saw the slave groom's hand around the base of Hammer's cock replaced with a new hand. This was the hand of a free woman, manicured, elegant, and wearing diamonds. Than's sweet voice was replaced by a new voice, the voice of Hammer's owner, Mistress Harriett, educated and authoritative. Much like Dr. Cohen. "Hmm, very nice Dizzie, very nice. I'm glad I took a chance on you girl, you're doing so well. You're making my favorite stallion very, very happy. And that makes me happy. I want all my property to be happy and productive. At the moment that includes you and I'm hoping that after tomorrow I can be friends with your owner. I need a good friend in the medical field who I can trust with my secrets. I need to keep Hammer healthy, I need to keep him safe, and I need someone who wants the same things that I do. I also want to keep my friends happy and I hope that Dr. Cohen and I can come to some sort of arrangement to ensure our friendship."
Before Dizzie's oxygen-deprived and lust-addled brain could finish processing that, Hammer began to speed up even more, approaching a final solution to his third-erection problem. Behind Dizzie, Sandy flicked a switch and the front plate and vaginal plug of the chastity belt suddenly began vibrating madly, driving Dizzie into yet another spine-cracking orgasm just as Hammer unleashed his third load into her gasping mouth. Mistress Harriett barked, "Swallow it, swallow as best you can! Hammer, get it all in her mouth! Dizzie, let it run out of your mouth if you need to, don't choke on it." Hammer's massive third load sprayed and dribbled out of the gasping, choking pony girl's mouth as she obediently struggled to consume it - all to no avail. The excess ran down her chin and painted her breasts in an obscene splatter of masculine dominance. 
Harriett, still holding Hammer's erection in one hand, reached out and took control over Dizzie's mane. She tilted Dizzie's head back and looked down into her gasping cum-splattered face. "Open your mouth, dear, you missed a drop." Dizzie complied and Harriett milked Hammer's shaft to get one last measure of semen, which elongated and dangled stickily over her open mouth before finally dropping in. "There you go, dear, all finished. Close your mouth and swallow now. You did a wonderful job and you've made your new owner very pleased." Dizzie smiled up at her in cum-splattered happiness, she had pleased her Mistress with her performance!
Harriett smiled down at the sodden and thoroughly bred girl for a few more moments, then turned and started giving orders. "Than, take Hammer and get him washed up and off to bed. Don't forget his blanket, it may be chilly tonight. Sandy, same thing, get her cleaned up. Leave the chastity belt locked. Massage her arms in case she has cramps and put a soft-bag binder on her so she can sleep. Also, don't forget what I told you before, you've done very well today and you deserve a reward, make sure you get that from Dizzie before you put her to bed."
As Sandy guided the dazed and cum-splattered pony girl to her stall, Dizzie neither noticed nor cared if there was anyone in the main hall to see her in her disheveled state. It simply didn't matter to her any more. Once there, Sandy quickly and efficiently stripped her, washed her, and put the soft-bag binder on her back, trapping her arms inside. Unlike the crossed-arm binder, it gave her arms plenty of room to move around as long as they were behind her back and above her waist. Although her arms were no longer constricted, she was just as helpless as she had been before. 
Sandy then guided her back into the common area to go to the relief station where she had Dizzie squat and told her to pee. This time when she was led through the hall, she was more alert and noticed the lights had been dimmed and that most people had left for the day, although there were a few sleeping forms on cots that were laid across the doorways of the occupied stalls. The lights were still on in Hammer's stall, though, and she caught a glimpse of Hammer on the equipping rack being washed by Than. Dizzie felt a brief stab of jealousy that the slave girl had the privilege of sponge-bathing that amazing athletic body every day. She slowed to try and get a better look, but Sandy tut-tutted and pulled her along. Dizzie shifted her arms ruefully in the the binder and thought "I can't use my hands anyway. I wonder why they're doing this to me? It's not like I'm going to run away or anything. Maybe it's to keep me feeling helpless?"
Sandy cleaned her up after she relieved herself and gave her a final enema for the night, then put the chastity belt back on. Although her first trip to the toilet had been emotionally traumatizing for the poor pony, this one was not, it was almost comforting. The dim lights and lack of hubbub seemed to help a lot.
When Sandy led her back, she hoped to see Hammer again, but the door was now closed, disappointing her. She had had such a brief, if powerful moment with him, so these feelings surprised her. She began to think seriously about accepting the offer of a free 48-hour weekend package. Maybe this time she didn't have to be the pony? And maybe she would see Hammer again? It was something to think about. 
Back in her stall, Sandy led her to her bed, which was a foam mattress with an attached pillow on a cot. It looked really comfy and... "Kneel, Dizzie!" Just before she reached the cot, her handler ordered her to drop to her knees. It was so close and she had had such a big day!
"Wait right there, sweetie, Sandy has one final task for you." Dizzie heard a rustling sound behind her and Sandy's powder blue boy-short bikini bottoms were tossed over her head onto the cot. Dizzie stared in amazement at the girl-cum soaked piece of clothing. That light blue color sure did a good job of highlighting the stain, as the soaked section had turned a much darker blue.
Sandy chuckled ruefully behind her as she began to fiddle with the kneeling girl's mane. "I know, beyond embarrassing. I bet you felt the same way when Monica tacked your panties - I mean Doctor Cohen's panties - up on the wall. I have to tell you, though, tonight was pretty hot. I've participated in a LOT of breedings and that was definitely one of the hottest of all time. Seriously, you should be proud of how well you handled yourself. I know it's all new to you and you've done really great so far. Tomorrow we're going to have a fun time with cart training and at the end of the day you'll go home. I think I'll miss you, you've been one of the best ponies I've groomed."
Dizzie's heart swelled with pride at the compliments. It didn't feel like Sandy was being insincere or talking down to her at all. Maybe it was the shared bonding experience of both of them having gotten so outrageously and shamefully aroused that they soaked their panties like that, but Dizzie was really starting to like this girl. 
"So," Sandy continued, walking around Dizzie and sitting on the cot facing her, "I deserve a reward, too." She then splayed her legs out in front of Dizzie's face and Dizzie was now staring at another woman's vagina for the first time in her life. No, not true, she had seen quite a few vaginas during her medical training, but those were cold, impersonal, professional settings. This was profoundly different. This was a sexually-charged setting and the vagina she was looking at from inches away was swollen and seeping with need. Sandy's pubic hair had been shorn almost completely off, with just a two-inch triangle of curls directly above her glistening opening within which she could see the teen's pink clitoris protruding slightly. Everything else other than the too-small triangle was completely smooth. Not shaven-smooth with stubble, but entirely baby-bottom hairless and smooth. Dizzie stared in astonishment as a tiny droplet of girl-cum began to accumulate at the bottom of Sandy's slit.
Sandy sighed, "Yeah, I know, this is the absolute minimum pubic hair a girl can have without being accused of "self enslavement syndrome." I'm honestly taking a risk in grooming myself like this but I can't help it. I groom other girls every day and I, well, I like it. I just do, it's really erotic. Shaving you today got me really excited, as I'm sure you've noticed. Also, the breeding really was insanely hot. So here we are, care to take a lick?"
Dizzie didn't move. She wasn't frozen in fear or anything, she just had never done this before. Sandy noticed her hesitation and leaned forward, cupping Dizzie's face in her hands. "Have you ever done this before?" Dizzie shook her head "No" and Sandy smiled and said, "Well neither have I. I'm from Adkins, Texas and we don't do that there. It's just not acceptable. Then I came here and started this new job and I've got my fingers in vaginas all day long. I've developed a liking for it and I want you to be my first, okay?" Dizzie nodded, her face still in Sandy's cupped hands. "Good girl. I'll tell you what I like and you'll do it for me, okay?" This time, she didn't give Dizzie a chance to hesitate, she simply grabbed Dizzie's mane, leaned back, and brought Dizzie's surprised mouth directly onto her open pussy.  
Still in shock at this turn of events, Dizzie didn't react right away, then she slowly began to lick the open pussy in front of her. Her nose was filled by the same powerful scent of arousal that she had noticed before on the breeding bench and the taste, the sweet delicious taste of the 18-year-old's pussy wrapped itself around her busily-lapping tongue, causing her mouth to water. The teen girl's smooth pussy slid sensuously beneath her tongue, lubricated by a combination of her saliva and Sandy's vaginal fluids. Sandy sighed and leaned back further on the cot, splaying her legs even wider than Dizzie had when she was on the rack getting shaved. This position utterly exposed her most intimate areas to Dizzie's mouth and she quickly took advantage of the increased access to widen her oral ministrations of the young teen's exposed vagina. Licking up and down the sides of the puffy outer labia, she noticed how smooth they were. There was no shaving stubble there at all. Dizzie wondered what could cause that, then moved back into the inner part of her vagina. Soon she noticed that the girl was starting to pant and rhythmically thrust her hips upward. Taking this as a signal that the groom was approaching orgasm, Dizzie gleefully attacked her distended clitoris, eliciting a series of moans and whimpers from her. Sandy's breathing became faster and harsher and she suddenly clamped her smooth legs around Dizzie's head as she thrashed and bucked her way through her orgasmic reward.
End Part Three. Tomorrow, cart training and prancing about in public... naked.
Last edited by ZeeChromosome on Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by imreadonly2 »

There is a lot that I've loved in these stories. Her nervousness with the precious lanyard, the way that she gets coaxed into signing, and her nervousness with turning over her purse and cellphone, knowing they represent her life. I think unlocking the phone should be a standard part of the procedure, in case an emergency contact needs to be called, or in the event of enslavement an automated message can be sent to contacts letting them know the girl is up for sale! :oops:

I also loved the name, Dizzie, and thought it was interesting the panties had names that were similar. I hope that was a setup for later.

I think my favorite part is the references to Doctor Cohen as her owner, and the schizophrenic separation of identities, and how that can start to play with her head.

"I'm actually surprised to hear Isabella owns a pony," he said as he casually jingled the bells on her nipples. "My impression was she was adamantly against slavery."

"You know Doctor Cohen?" Sandy said, surprised.

"Yeah, we dated for a while, briefly," Adam said ruefully. "It was going pretty well, until I mentioned that the gold metal choker she was wearing looked a lot like a slave collar. Well, she gave me an earful, right in the restaurant, and then stormed out. She had driven, so I had to Uber home. She ghosted me after that, and I couldn't even get an appointment with her. She really had a stick up her butt!"

Dizzie's protest came out as a whinny. "Easy, girl," Sandy said, stroking her hair. "This is free people talk, not for pony ears."

"I'm surprised to see Isabella would own a pony girl," Adam continued, speaking as is Dizzy wasn't even there, "given what a tight ass she was."

Dizzie felt a little shiver as Sandy playfully squeezed her butt cheek. "I dunno, I think she may have inherited her, or maybe she got her in a raffle, or when someone couldn't pay their bill. But you're right, she's really skanky, and wet between the legs. Feel for yourself."

Adam didn't have to be asked twice, and Dizzy blushed and moaned as he slipped his fingers inside of her and began to rub. "Damn, you're right. She sure is slave hot. Isabella isn't going to like this!" he said, laughing. "So what's she's doing here?"

"Isabella sent her in for training. Make sense. She's too hot between the legs to use as a domestic, or a farm worker."

Adam laughed as Dizzy danced on her fingers. "What a hoot. I bet the great Doctor Cohen, emancipation queen, quietly puts this pussy on the block. Yeah, she'll turn a nice price on her."

Dizzy groaned as Adam, the man Doctor Cohen had so unceremoniously ghosted, fingered her. The powerful Doctor Cohen had dismissed him as a sexist twerp, but now, wriggling under his touch, Dizzy viewed him as an all powerful God. "He's right. What would Dr. Cohen want with a disgusting pony slut like me. She'll probably brand me and sell me. Oh, my master's fingers feel so good. I hope he buys me. I hope he bids on me, and buys me, and fucks me day and night. And I hope I get Doctor Cohen a good price. She's a very important person, and deserves the very best that money can buy. "
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

Hey, thanks for the reply! I really appreciate the specificity of your feedback. It means a lot to me to find out what I'm doing right or wrong.
"I also loved the name, Dizzie, and thought it was interesting the panties had names that were similar. I hope that was a setup for later."
Boss Monica has certain quirks. One of them is she likes to be alliterative. Also Dizzie rhymes with Izzie. At first I was going to name her Ditsy Dizzie, but then realized that Ditsy was actually one of the other FINO ponies. I found the office scene one of the hardest to write. When that happens, I just toss in a placeholder sentence and move on before I lose momentum. So Monica's seduction / manipulation thing was one of the last scenes I wrote. I'm glad you liked it.
By the way, what are the odds that her panties will be there tomorrow?
"I think my favorite part is the references to Doctor Cohen as her owner, and the schizophrenic separation of identities, and how that can start to play with her head."
Yeah, it was something that popped into my head while chatting with Carl and Mr. Smith. I have a degree in philosophy and I was trying to nail down the legal philosophy behind the FINO concept. Needless to say, I initially wrote it down in a utterly inaccessible paragraph that neatly and succinctly... naw, it was crap. It made sense to me, but I knew the reader would never understand it. So Instead I just sprinkled the concepts throughout the chapter as examples came up. I think it worked really well.
Lemme find it... Heh: "Free persons with a slave grade are actually two legal entities at one - the free person and the slave. Only one is active at any given time, since the two legal entities share the same physical body. As a free person, Isabelle Cohen owns slave TXBX-567-7878. Also known as "herself". Under a 24-hr FINO contract, "Isabelle Cohen" continues to exist, but she has sold slave TXBX-567-7878 to the HH Ranch for 24 hours. Once the 24 hours are up, the ownership of slave TXBX-567-7878 automatically reverts to Isabelle Cohen, also known as "herself." No manumission papers or title transfer are required, since the process is automatic."
Lemme know if you can parse that, then tell me if that works in a story people are reading for fun. Waiting on pins and needles for your reply. It was a placeholder paragraph to remind me to sprinkle references to this concept throughout the following sections, not intended to be in the final draft.
Loved your snippet with Adam. Ima steal it. It shows me that I did a good job of explaining my main character to you the reader because you had her pegged 100%.
Carl and Mr. Smith have assisted me in cooking up some horribly embarrassing ENF moments for Dizzie during Day Two. I can toss that in there and it gives me three and a half, so that's enough to start with. One thing I'll mention, though, is that I'm going for an "everyone knows that everyone else does it but nobody says anything about it" vibe with pony-play. So Dizzie's disguise works all day long. Nobody knows! She got away with it! She gets to her car (minus her unexpectedly missing panties) and... there's her friend Mary grinning at her. So busted.
Anyway, somebody totally guided Adam in. He won't say anything, of course, unless Isabelle does. Anyway, my idea was to keep her name secret, but I suppose Sandy could make a mistake and get overheard saying to Dizzie that "Dr. Cohen would be so proud of you!" Also, we can have him say "She had saggy titties, though, she must hate it that her own pony has such perky handfuls. I kept telling her to get the lifting treatment, but no, feminism this, feminism that, she shouldn't let a man control her body. What a pain in the ass she was. Great in the sack, though, as long as you let her be on top exactly half the time. I swear she kept track in a notebook or something ."
It's all true, Dizzie can see it now, even though Isabelle could not (the notebook is real). I need a future love interest for Isabelle, maybe it's this guy.
Thanks for your comment and advice, you rock.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by jeepster »

With this schizophrenic mind set I can't wait for Dr Isabelle to be sitting in the office discussing what she wants done to/with Dizzy!
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

jeepster wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 12:24 pm With this schizophrenic mind set I can't wait for Dr Isabelle to be sitting in the office discussing what she wants done to/with Dizzy!
The wait is over. Observe:
"Good morning, Double H Ranch Customer Service, Boss Monica speaking, how may I help you?"
"Oh, hi Monica, it's..."
"Dr. Cohen, so good to hear from you! Harriette stopped by just yesterday and asked if I had heard from you!"
Isabelle was surprised and pleased to hear that. Apparently she, or rather Dizzie, had made a good impression on the tall and imperious rancher. Deep inside her, it made Dizzie's pony heart swell with pride. But she was Dr. Isabelle Cohen right now, not the care-free pony slut Pretty Dizzie. So she continued in her usual calm and professional demeanor, "I'm glad to hear that. She made a good impression on me as well. It helped that Dizzie's groom Sandy seemed to respect and trust her. So I was thinking that I might entrust you with Dizzie for a couple of days this coming week, perhaps Tuesday and Wednesday. Is Sandy available on those days? I think that she and Dizzie had a connection there and it would be nice if Sandy were available to continue her training."
Instead of a response, there was an almost-pained sigh from the other end. Startled, Isabelle looked at her phone in surprise before returning it to her ear.
"Is everything all right?" she asked, feeling concerned. "Is Sandy okay?" She, or rather Dizzie, had really liked the perky teenager and Isabelle was suddenly very worried about her.
There was a slight pause, as though Monica was thinking things over before replying. "We don't know, she ran away. Ms. Harriette wanted her to stay here on the ranch and do her schooling online, but Sandy wanted to be independent and spread her wings and experience life, etc. and so forth. They had an argument and Sandy agreed to stay but then packed her things and left. I don't think she realizes just how perilous it is out there right now to be a young and attractive free woman who doesn't have protection. We have a right-of-1st-refusal contract on her, but that may not be good enough."
Isabelle listened carefully, memorizing each detail of the conversation, every nuance of Monica's tone of voice. Monica was truly worried. There was a lot more going on here than "free girl alone in a male-dom world of slavery".
She made a decision. She would help. That's what doctors do. "Is there anything I can do to help?" she asked.
There was another pause from the other end. Clearly there was more to this than she knew. Secrets she was not privy to. The ranchers had seemed extremely good at keeping secrets to Isabelle. This had reassured her during her negotiations to sell Dizzie, but now it just annoyed her. Finally, Monica replied with a relieved sigh, "Her phone number is 726-555-1234. Please call her. Harriette is worried sick but refuses to call. She never pursues runaways. When I say "runaways" I mean free people. Runaway slaves she snatches right back. But if a free person runs away from her, she lets them go. She wants them to return to her of their own free will. It's important to her. So please call Sandy and make sure she's all right. Then call me back and let me know what you've found out. Can you be my friend on this? I need help here and Harriette has forbidden me to call as well."
"I'll do it. I'll call back later and discuss booking a couple of days for Dizzie. I'll update you on Sandy then."
Isabelle hung up the phone and looked at her watch. She had a few minutes before her next scheduled rounds. She had an entire family of car crash victims among her usual patients and she was worried about... "Never mind," she thought, "I have time for this and it's important."
She dialed Sandy's number and waited for it to ring. But instead of hearing Sandy's sweet voice, she heard something completely different. "Hello! This is the Blanco County Slave Mart. The slave you are looking for has already been sold, but we have a full inventory of delightful..."
Heart pounding, Isabelle immediately cut the connection and called Monica back. Sandy was in trouble. Dizzie really liked the girl and the thought that she had been enslaved made Isabelle sick!
"Howdy, Dr. Cohen..."
"Sandy has been enslaved!"
How's that? I have Sandy's follow-on story mostly composed in my head, but I haven't written it yet. Your post prompted me to whip this out and I hope you like it. The full story is a little darker than usual, but I plan to keep the darkness off-screen and let it menace on the horizon, like dark storm clouds not fully formed.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by imreadonly2 »

I think your story idea is great, and the idea of Doctor Cohen going in, and doing a role reversal saving Sandy, or even just seeing her enslaved, is a hot one. I think it's the going back-and forth between personas that makes it hot.

I also wrote something, just for fun, as you inspired me as well! :-)
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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I'm flattered, and please use whatever you'd like. Remember, good writers borrow. Great writers steal.

"If Dr. Cohen is so against slavery, why doesn't she just free her?"

"Fat chance," Adam said, rubbing Dizzy's clit while she groaned with pleasure. "Once you turn a slut slave hot, there's no going back. Isabella could put this little humper in her most elegant dress, and take her to tea at the Palace, and with 10 minutes she'd be naked on the floor, rubbing the lacquer off the leg of the Queen Anne tea table with her hot, wet, snatch."

Sandy laughed. "I dunno. Under the right circumstances, she might be able to PRETEND to be a lady. I think she could pull off tea."

"Maybe, before she turned slave hot. Now, if one of the Princes scratched her behind the ear, she'd probably start fucking herself with the spout of the teapot, with everyone watching," Adam sneered. "Yeah, she'll put her on the block as soon as possible, I'll wager. She spoils all of Isabella's pet theories about poor girls being wrongfully enslaved, and male exploitation. She and I actually argued about it several times."

Ditzy didn't remember any arguments. Why would she? She hadn't been there. Adam's thumb, teasing her clit, was her whole world, and she found herself wondering what her owner, as a well educated professional woman, thought of her situation. Fortunately, Sandy was wondering too, and asked Adam, for as a mindless animal, the only thing Ditzy could do was whinny.

"I asked Isabella what should be done with sluts who were born for the collar, who are always wet-and-ready, like this little eager beaver here," Adam said, indicating Ditzy by jerking her upward on his hand, like the slut hand puppet she was. She said she didn't think such girls should exist, but allowed that if they DID exist, then 'Yes, you should brand their asses and make them squat on the block", he said, mercilessly mocking Isabella's sing-songy, Boston Brahman accent. "Sell them, to a pony track, or a brothel, where decent women don't have to look at them!"

Sandy giggled at the accuracy of Adam's impression of Ditzy's owner's posh speaking style. Ditzy was approaching slavegasm, but her heart beat even faster as Adam took out his phone and began to filming her, focusing on her drooling face. "Hey, Isabella? Adam here. I wanted to let you know I found the slave slut you said didn't exist, the one with the hot pussy that won't stop creaming. And it turns out you own her! I know you like to beat me at wagers. Tell you what, if you're right, and she can be turned into a lady, then the three of us can meet for tea. But if we don't meet for tea, I want you to put this one on the block, like you promised, so I can bid on her! Challenge on?"

Adam quicked his pace as he let the camera run down Ditzy's naked body to focus on his finger fucking of Doctor Isabella Cohen's mindless Pleasure Slut. Adam quickened the pace of his teasing, and Ditzy struggled to resist as slavegasm drew nearer. Ditzy, her mind awash in confusion, struggled to resist. Where was her phone? Was this going into THE CLOUD? Wait, she didn't have a phone. Why would a pony girl have a phone?
All she knew was she couldn't orgasm on camera, not with the great Dr. Isabella Cohen watching!

"I can't let her see me like this!" she thought. "Doctor Cohen is so elegant, and cool, and professional. If she sees me humping her ex boyfriend's hand, she'll sell me for sure. No. No. I can save myself. Adam, and her, and I can have tea. Yes, she'll give me clothes to wear, and I can pretend to be a lady. Doctor Cohen is SO smart, she'll figure out how to do it! Because if I don't... I'll be squatting on the block, with Adam and all his friends laughing at me. But wait... we can't have tea together. Because... Because... Because... Isabella would never be seen with a Pleasure Slut who creams on her boyfriend's hand. No, she has to sell me. She has to get rid of... that part of her life."

Ditzy groaned with a combination of shame and pleasure as she had an uncontrollable slavegasm. As she came in waves, she pictured Doctor Cohen, dressed in an elegant charcoal suit, pausing before she went on stage to speak to check her phone, only to find Adam's mocking message. "She's watching me! She's watching my pussy spasm. This is so humiliating. Oh, no, she'll put me on the block for sure! I hope I get a pretty brand!"

Ditzy knew that Doctor Cohen was disgusted with her, and would be glad to be rid of her. But why, then, did she picture Doctor Cohen watching her with twinkle in her eye, and an almost undetectable smile on her face?
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by jeepster »

Nice but! What I was picturing was the Doctor squirming in her chair while Boss explained Dizzie's nipple piercing and the training she would be put through up to her racing in front of fans! You probably have most of this written already so I will have my imagination to drive me!
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

Response to Imreadonly:
Holy crap, Bro!
That went way beyond what I ever envisioned... and it was insanely hot!
I honestly have completely different plans for Isabelle. I need her to remain a (mostly) free woman and trusted advisor for Mistress Harriette. The Hammer is going to have some serious medical issues before the end. He'll power through as he always does, but Harriette will need Dr. Cohen to see him through the inevitable end game. But wow, really, that was freaking hot!
I love it so much that you had Adam film it and send it to Isabelle - while he was full-knowing that pony-slut-Dizzie was in fact Dr. Isabelle Cohen. That cracks all of my kink-buttons.
You're seriously scary to me right now, bro. You've totally penetrated the Isabelle/Dizzie duality.
Working on the follow-on Sandy story right now, but I'll get back to Isabelle soon. I need to do Day Two for her and that will include various encounters with... various people that she may or may not know personally.
Last edited by ZeeChromosome on Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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Whoops! That was for Zee' continuation!
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

jeepster wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 4:05 pm Nice but! What I was picturing was the Doctor squirming in her chair while Boss explained Dizzie's nipple piercing and the training she would be put through up to her racing in front of fans! You probably have most of this written already so I will have my imagination to drive me!
Yo, Jeep! Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it.
Boss Monica has Dizzie pegged as a prancer / dressage pony in advance. Monica has years of experience and is rarely wrong. She just knows that Dr. Cohen will eventually want Dizzie to appear in public prancing competitions (with Mary or Sandy driving) with a full assemblage of golden nipple, earring, and belly-button bells in place.
Vaginal bells are iffy to me. Not that I disapprove, but simply because a character like Isabelle might balk at that.
But not today. It is what it is, we need to start slow. Isabelle / Dizzie is still a bit conflicted. Let's see what happens tomorrow as Dizzie has her first day of cart training on the tracks.
As I see it, Isabelle has exactly ZERO idea what "cart training" means. She totally thought that she was going to be the driver and someone else (like Hank!) was going to be the pony. Muhahha!
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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I think I really like Boss Monica!
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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I suppose Dizzie is too old to be racing so a show pony she will be!
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by imreadonly2 »

I think the dual identify think with Dr. Cohen could be fun, too.

"Gee, Adam, did you really think Ditzy was that attractive? I mean, what does she have that I don't have?" she said, genuinely wondering how Adam could have not realized that they were the same person.

"No offense, Isabelle, but EVERYTHING. Perky nipples, an ass begging to be branded, and a pussy that has more syrup than an IHOP," he said, laughing. "I'm not offending you by talking this way, am I?"

"Um... no... I mean... I don't approve. But go on. Would you really bid on her? What would you pay?"

"Hard to say. I'm not a trader, so what I'd pay for a girl really depends on the heat of the moment. I think it's true of most guys, no matter how many books they've read on slave markets bargaining and bidding strategy. I mean, even the graders can't give you a true estimate. You know what they say: "The price ayn't a lock, until the pussy's on the block."

Isabelle squirmed a bit in her chair as Adam laughed heartily. "No, I hadn't heard that one. Well, I don't think I want to sell her, but I am curious about what she might bring," Isabelle said. "Just out of curiosity, of course."

"You should try an Any Chance Auction," Adam suggested. "Have you ever heard of those?"

"No, what are those?"

"You put the girl up for auction, and she gets sold. It's a real sale, with real bids and money, so you know it's 100% legit. But then the owner has 12 hours to consider the bid and rescind the sale, if he or she so chooses."

"I see. So I could sell Ditzy...and NOT sell her, at the same time?" Isabelle said. "That does sound intriguing. Although I imagine the stress of going through an auction, then not knowing if you'd really been sold, might be tough on poor Ditzy."

"Tough shit," Adam said dismissively. "She'd probably love it, and spend the whole time on stage humping the auctioneer's whip. And if you get a good enough price for her, you might just let the gavel fall."

"I might," Isabelle said, "If you put a crowbar in your wallet, and bid enough," she added coquettishly. "But if I didn't want to sell her, how could I rescind the sale?"

"They'll send you a text on your phone, and you can answer it. Or you can phone it in, I think."

"What if I can't get to my phone?" Isabelle asked, trying not to show her nervousness at what was being so calmly discussed.

"For 12 hours?" Adam said, dismissing her concern in that derisive, know-it-all way Isabelle despised. "What, is your phone going to be locked in a box, or something?"

"No, of course not. But maybe I'd give Ditzy my phone, for some reason, and then she wouldn't be able to get at it."

"She sure wouldn't," Adam sneered. "Ditzy's going to be locked in a cage with a SOLD tag hanging from her ear, rubbing her snatch and staring at the clock on the wall with the phone next to it, like a prisoner on death row, waiting for the Governor to call. Tick-tock, Ditzy," he added, laughing even as Isabelle blanched at the image. "But why on earth would you give a Pleasure Slut your phone? Is there something about your relationship with Ditzy you'd like to tell me about?" he said, giving her a leer that both angered her and made her blood run cold.

"No, it's not that. It's just... if I got... trapped somewhere, I'd hate to see something... bad happen to Ditzy. I could send an e-mail with a delay on it, right? Telling them to rescind the sale?"

"I suppose," Adam said. "Maybe. I mean, you're the girl with a plan for everything. True, slaving isn't exactly your field, but what could go wrong, right?"

"Uh, right. I mean, as long as I cancel it, then it will be fine, right?"

"Yup. You know, you should come watch the auction. Watch the little bitch spread, and jump under the whip, and lather herself up with everyone watching. We can go together. It'll be fun."

"That would be difficult," Isabelle said, hedging. "I mean... with my schedule and all."

"Yeah, I forgot, you're a very important person," Adam said, enjoying the way Isabelle was squirming in her chair. "Don't worry. I'll get a front row seat, and I'll film the whole thing."
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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Hating my editing skills today.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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Double oops.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by Mr. Smith »

Wow! I finally had a chance to read this chapter and absolutely loved it. It was awesome. :tiphat:

Just loved the way she went in and out of her pony haze where she exhibited a childlike innocence embracing her ponygirl slave persona. Preening and prnacing for the Hammer as she mounted the breeding bench giddy for her "Hammer Time". I kept waiting for someone to say it's Hammer Time. I also loved the "mouth pops". Perfectly descriptive. Regarding the nipple piercing Dr. Cohen really needs to get Dizzie's nipples, belly-button, both labia and a horizontal clitoral hood (HCH) piercings done. She cold be steered by a trainer using the nipple and labia piercings as part of her training and you could hang bells off the nipples and HCH when at the same time. :swoon:

One of my favorite parts was the interaction between "Mistress" Harriett and Sandy where Harriett totally manipulates the young teen. There is so much potential for some evil/fun. I would love to have Harriett encourage Sandy to enter the Dig D Fresh Pussy Block contest for eighteen-year-olds where she gets slave graded, competes for the best block routine case prize while being sold during an Any Chance Auction for one year for college money. It would be an interesting power exchange if Dr. Cohen held the power of attorney for Sandy. I mean there is no way that Dr. Cohen would accept the bid. And then she sees a giddy Sandy in her slave haze humping the auctioneers whip and squirting in the sand and knows what she has to do when Harriett has the high bid. SOLD! Oh yeah, she gets branded as part of the contest when she scores in the Prime range. Cannot forget to get the Big D badge burned into her ass.


Again, really enjoyed this one.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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My editing resulted in multiple comments. Oops. :spank:
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

Mr. Smith wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:42 am Wow! I finally had a chance to read this chapter and absolutely loved it. It was awesome.
Thank you so much. Your opinion means a lot to me and I know it was a slow buildup, so I'm glad the end result was worth it.
Mr. Smith wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:42 am Preening and prancing for the Hammer as she mounted the breeding bench giddy for her "Hammer Time". I kept waiting for someone to say it's Hammer Time.
You have no idea how much effort I had to put into NOT using that phrase. :D
Mr. Smith wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:42 am Regarding the nipple piercing Dr. Cohen really needs to get Dizzie's nipples, belly-button, both labia and a horizontal clitoral hood (HCH) piercings done.
I'm trying to depict the piercings as inevitable, but not on her first day as a pony. Will have to be on her free 48-hour FINO. I'm thinking that Mary will be her guest (and driver) for the two days and just casually tell Sandy after her first outing, "Oh, by the way, I have no idea why Isabelle hasn't had Dizzie's nipples pierced yet. Have that taken care of, will you? I'm having brunch on the patio with Tasha and Abigail. Have her nipples pierced, then give her a rub-down and reward session. Bring her to me afterwards. I'll have a bowl of pony chow set out for her. She can eat there."
Okay, now I'm the one being fun-evil.
Mr. Smith wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:42 am One of my favorite parts was the interaction between "Mistress" Harriett and Sandy where Harriett totally manipulates the young teen. There is so much potential for some evil/fun.
I know, right? I honestly have no idea where that came from. I just woke up with it in my head and went straight to my desk and rattled it out whole cloth. So umm, yeah, one Sandy story coming up. But after I finish current projects. So many ideas, so little time.
Thanks again for all the support you've given me. I'm so glad I was able to give a tiny bit back by writing a story you enjoyed.
Last edited by ZeeChromosome on Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by imreadonly2 »

I'm also intrigued by the concept of a how a girl might become unrecognizable even to people who know her in her new persona as a slave girl. I don't think this is totally unbelievable, as a lot of the clues we use to recognize people are based on context, and it's not uncommon for us not to recognize our dentists, doctor, or even a teacher when they are outside of the context we normally interact with them. It's like the old joke, "I didn't recognize you with your clothes on."

For example: ... 044577.jpg

OR ... BKGRXK.jpg ... Q&usqp=CAU

The scene from Striptease is instructive, as strippers have fun with the idea of a professional woman, nurse, or cheerleader becoming a different person when they strip off their clothes. In Isabelle's case, people might be playing along, but the situation is totally believable, particularly in an auction block situation, where the auctioneer is not necessarily focusing the audience's attention on the woman's face or personality. :lol:
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

imreadonly2 wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:09 am I'm also intrigued by the concept of a how a girl might become unrecognizable even to people who know her in her new persona as a slave girl. I don't think this is totally unbelievable, as a lot of the clues we use to recognize people are based on context, and it's not uncommon for us not to recognize our dentists, doctor, or even a teacher when they are outside of the context we normally interact with them. It's like the old joke, "I didn't recognize you with your clothes on."
In this case, I'm going to be using the visored safety-helmet. I got that from Smith and Carl's stories. The visored racing helmet has a visor - hence the name - that conceals the girl's eyes and upper face. So the only thing visible is her jaw and mouth. Honestly, for me, I identify people by their hair. I'm a consultant and when I'm working in an office with multiple co-workers with similar builds, coloring, and hairdos, it's a real problem for me. At my last job, I had three African-American co-workers with the exact... same... hairdo. The only way I could tell them apart was based on which cubicle they were seated in. If I encountered one of them in the hallway I had no idea who I was talking to, so I didn't use their names in that context.
But yeah, most people are more perceptive than I am. That's why I'm tossing in the idea that the social convention within the Pony Ranchers Association is to pretend you don't recognize the pony. That way we can still have our kinky fun while pretending not to.
Anyway, "plausible deniability" is all we need when dealing with other Association members. Outsiders require actual deniability.
"Carl! Good to see you, how's it going?"
"Oh, hey Joe, just training my recent acquisition."
Inspects pony. "Hmm, very nice, just get her at auction?"
"Yeah, was a bargain-basement sale, couldn't resist. Not sure I got a good price."
"I believe that, those stretch marks on her abdomen are pretty nasty. How many foals do you think she's had?"
"Not enough, I figure 2 or 3 more will be plenty."
So umm, yeah. I figure that Joe's wife is going to be getting an ear full at the next Association wives' meeting... and both Carl and Joe are going to have to satisfy themselves with slave girls for a few... weeks.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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As far as recognition is concerned, I've relied on the safety helmet to reduce the chances of recognition. Not only do we see what we expect to see, but since pony girls are traditionally mounted from behind, the user is unlikely to get the visual clues of face, boobs, sounds, etc to identify this pony as a woman he/she has known previously. Same for oral service on the slave's knees, although again if the user can't see the smiling eyes looking up at him/her, it would be hard to identify a particular pony if you saw her again without the helmet. Of course, if a guy (or gal) mounts a pony with a particular combination of branding and piercings, and then beds a "free woman" with the same combination, I think recognition would come very quickly!
Still, I like the various suggestions that masters and mistresses might PRETEND to believe that Isabelle and Dizzy were two different people so that Isabelle feels more able to play. That pretense allows the author to milk the power exchange/fall from equality into submission over and over again. At the moment, even Isabelle seems to be schizoid about her two identities, although I hope and expect that she will eventually look forward to giving up her responsibilities so she can provide different, more personal services to others. Love it.
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

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I'm curious! "Thank god they didn't find the Power point presentation"? So have to ask what did the 18 yo Isabelle put together for the slave graders?
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by ZeeChromosome »

jeepster wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 12:46 pm I'm curious! "Thank god they didn't find the Power point presentation"? So have to ask what did the 18 yo Isabelle put together for the slave graders?
Hah, you noticed that! Honestly, I'm curious, too. I'll have to write it to find out.
I was actually putting together a power point presentation at work on the day I wrote that - on a completely different topic, I swear. :?
Carl wanted me to expand on that and, honestly, so did I. But I was worried about disrupting the narrative flow so I didn't. I was trying to get to the juicy parts so we could all have fun with it.
However, Isabelle has unintentionally signed Dizzie up for an entire day of cart training (kudos to Monica for bulldozing her into it). So I plan to have at least two more parts to the story covering her morning and afternoon cart training the next day. During that training, Dizzie will have plenty of time for self-reflection and she will probably mull things over and I can go into greater detail then.
This paragraph grew out of a 3-way discussion I had with Carl and Smith regarding the basis for the slave-grading system. Because I'm new here, I had initially assumed that slaves should be valued based on their entire earning potential, but apparently that's not the case - the slave graders only care about a girl's value as a sex slave. Although Isabelle's value as a pleasure slut is quite high, it's still only a fraction of her true earning potential as a degreed professional.
We had a long discussion about it and I initially took the position that by tying a woman's access to student loans to her value as a potential sex slave, you're going to create a situation in which smart girls are driven out of the professional work force because they can't afford an education. But in a male-dom universe, that's actually not a problem, it's a feature, not a bug.
Fortunately for Isabelle, she wasn't a total disaster and all the slave-graders were extremely entertained by her ridiculous notions about "a woman's true worth". They didn't even gag her so that they could continue to enjoy her verbal defiance while she was writhing on their fingers in orgasmic pleasure.
I'm also going to use that dichotomy later on when I portray Harriette picking up three enslaved IT professionals to run the HH Ranch AI system for her. They're programmers and engineers with PhD's, but Harriette is able to buy them for their pleasure slut price, which is extremely low. One of them is a former professor who is nationally-recognized in her field, the others are her two brightest grad students. In my rough draft, I'm currently using the placeholder names Stern Professor, Chubby Virgin, and Hidden Hottie for the three of them. Carl likes his happily-ever-after endings, so I had to sketch that out, too. It will be fun to write when I can get to it.
Thanks for the insightful comment,
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Re: The Stallion - Champion's Reward Part 3

Post by imreadonly2 »

An owner may use a Pleasure Slut's professional skills the way the warden might use a prisoner's expertise. In SHAWSHANK, Andy was permitted to work as the prison's accountant, but they never, ever let him forget that his primary role was that of prisoner. Upon enslavement, all professional degrees and certifications would be automatically negated, so while a hotshot lawyer, doctor, or college professor might end up doing some of the same work, they would never be able to independently perform those same duties. Isabelle could certainly work as a doctor at the stables, but she wouldn't have the authority to write a prescription, although requests might be sent to a proper slave vet who could do it on her behalf. In the way a prisoner never changes out of her uniform, she would be kept naked and collared, and forced to humbly answer to professionals far less experienced than herself. :)
Last edited by imreadonly2 on Sun Sep 05, 2021 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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